MELASMA: Treatment
Risk factor's
- Anovulatory
- Pregnancy
- Genetics
- Sun Exposure
- Menopause
- Cosmetics: certain makeups, moisturizers and other beauty products may have an irritating effect on predisposed persons.
- Endocrine: Melasma may be a manifestation of a endocrinological condition such as diabetes mellitus.
Types of Melasma
- Melasma of the Skin: melanin is located on the superficial dermis. Tends to have fuzzy edges and is usually located in the region of the zygomatic bone. Its color is bluish black under the woods light examination.
- Epidermal Melasma: melanin is situated on the basal epidermal layers. It presents clear borders and is often distributed on the central facial area. It is the type of melasma that best responds to treatment if a dark brown color is seen under the woods light..
- Mixed Melasma: combines the features of dermal and epidermal melasma.
- Physiologic Melasma due to Pregnancy: It is usually transient and responds well to treatment.
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The surgeon must conduct deep sutures in his intervention and grip the superficial cutaneous tissues to eliminate tension. In addition the application of compression bandages and a silicone gel is completed. A follow up visit is scheduled to control wounds at 1 and 2 months to treat scars immediately if they are healing inadequately.
A test that can help diagnose melasma skin is observed through the Woods Light Examination, a lamp that highlights areas of the skin that have an excess of melanin.
When skin changes resemble other diseases and there is no assurance of being a melasma, a biopsy of the tissue is performed for examination under a microscope.Because of its resemblance to melanomas, pigmented carcinomas or solar lentigo a biopsy is conducted along with a histochemical staining technique to resolve these difficult cases.
Treatment for Melasma
- Hydroquinone: Is normally the first active ingredient that is used in cases of melasma. Acts overnight by clarifying the skin that has excessive pigmentation.
- Tretinoin: can be used alone or with hydroquinone
- Corticosteroids: These creams can also have a lightening effect on the skin, but the concentration of corticosteroids should be small to avoid long-term side effects.
- Other products: Creams containing azelaic acid or kojic acid also have skin lightning effects.
- Custom-made formulas are important following the advice of a dermatologist to avoid excessive irritation that may worsen melasma.
- Chemical peel or microdermabrasion: Will remove surface layers of the skin. With several spaced out sessions it can remove excess pigmentation in certain areas.
- Laser sessions: Using low power laser can help the progressive skin lightening, combined with the use of the creams mentioned before.
- Non-hormonal contraception can be used when the underlying cause of melasma is most probably an alteration of the female hormonal cycle.
- Sun Protectors should not be suspended in the treatment.
- Treatments are performed in Corachan Clinic and Beautyderm.